Мировая пресса о применении светодиодов в птицеводстве.

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В самом авторитетном издании по светодиодной технике «LEDs magazine» опубликован релиз об использовании в российских инкубаториях мощных светодиодов для овоскопирования яиц.

Reserv Ltd uses Cree XLamp LEDs for egg candling

Date Announced: 15 Nov 2011

The Russian company “Reserv Ltd” started to use Cree’s XLamp XR-E LEDs for egg candling in industrial incubators.

Миражирование яиц для определения неоплода.

Миражирование яиц для определения неоплода.

[Wikipedia: Candling is a method to study the growth and development of an embryo inside an egg. The method uses a bright light source behind the egg to show details through the shell, and is so called because the original sources of light used were candles.]

There is a special device to be used for this purpose that candles the whole tray with eggs. The advantage of the device is that there is a high-powered LED of XR-E series under each egg; special optics focuses all the light on the egg surface, narrow ray doesn’t get in the operator’s eye and doesn’t interfere with work.

Illumination on shell surface exceeds 200000 Lux.

This procedure allows to exclude sub-quality eggs on laying stage, and to reveal unfertilized eggs in incubation process. In the photo you can see eggs without embryos; they let in the light and must be removed from the incubator.

This equipment is produced for all types of incubators: Pas Reform, HatchTech, Chick Master, Jamesway, Reserv.

On the basis of Cree’s XLamp XR-E LED Reserv Ltd produces manual candling units that allow to make qualitative assessment of the embryos development in incubatory egg. According to the results of candling you can make conclusions about exactness of temperature maintenance, humidity, ventilation and in case of necessity to adjust incubation parameters.

Slava Matraev

E-mail: matraev@reserv.ru

Web Site: www.reserv.ru

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